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Rabu, 14 November 2012

POST code

POST code

Beberapa seri Motherboard lebih memilih menggunakan post code daripada beep code karena cakupan hardware yang di deteksi lebih luas.Dengan menggunakan metode ini tidak hanya komponen utama yang bisa dideteksi akan tetapi keyboard dan mouse pun bisa dideteksi.Pada generasi terdahulu post code ini dihasilkan menggunakan kartu tersendiri yang di sebut post card.Belakangan post card ini sudah terintegrasi pada motherboard.Berikut adalah seven segmen code atau sering disebut sebagai POST (Power On Self Test). Berikut beberapa contoh Post code dari beberapa BIOS yang di ambil dari www.bioscentral.com

post code

POST code / seven segmen code pada beberapa BIOS

AMI BIOS Post Codes (After April 1990):
01NMI is disabled and the i286 register test is about to start
02i286 register test has passed
03ROM BIOS checksum test (32KB from E8000h) passed OK
04Passed keyboard controller test with and without mouse
05Chipset initialized...DMA and interrupt controller disabled
06Video system disabled and the system timer checks OK
078254 programmable interval timer initialized
08Delta counter channel 2 initialization complete
09Delta counter channel 1 initialization complete
0ADelta counter channel 0 initialization complete
0BRefresh started
0CSystem timer started
0DRefresh check OK
10Ready to start 64KB base memory test
11Address line test OK
1264KB base memory test OK
15ISA BIOS interrupt vectors initialized
17Monochrome video mode OK
18CGA color mode set OK
19Attempting to pass control to video ROM at C0000h
1AReturned from video ROM
1BShadow RAM enabled
1CDisplay memory read/write test OK
1DAlternate display memory read/write test OK
1EGlobal equipment byte set for proper
1FReady to initialize video system
20Finished setting video mode
21ROM type 27256 verified
22The power-on message is displayed
30Ready to start the virtual mode memory test
31Virtual memory mode test started
32CPU has switched to virtual mode
33Testing the memory address lines
34Testing the memory address lines
35Lower 1MB of RAM found
36Memory size computation checks OK
37Memory test in progress
38Memory below 1MB is initialized
39Memory above 1MB is initialized
3AMemory size is displayed
3BReady to test the lower 1MB of RAM
3CMemory test of lower 1MB OK
3DMemory test above 1MB OK
3EReady to shutdown for real-mode testing
3FShutdown Ok - now in real mode
40Cache memory now on...Ready to disable gate A 20
41A20 line disabled successfully
42i486 internal cache turned on
43Ready to start DMA controller test
50DMA page register test OK
51Starting DMA controller 1 register test
52DMA controller 1 test passed, starting DMA controller 2 register test
53DMA controller 2 test passed
54Ready to test latch on DMA controller 1 and 2
55DMA controller 1 and 2 latch test OK
56DMA controller 1 and 2 configured OK
578259 programmable interrupt controller initialized Ok
70Start of keyboard test
71Keyboard controller OK
72Keyboard test OK...Starting mouse interface test
73Keyboard and mouse global initialization OK
74Display setup prompt.. Floppy setup ready to start
75Floppy controller setup OK
76hard disk setup ready to start
77Hard disk controller setup OK
79Ready to initialize timer data
7ATimer data area initialized
7BCMOS battery verified OK
7ECMOS memory size updated
7FEnable setup routine if <Delete> is pressed
80Send control to adapter ROM at C800h to DE00h
81Return from adapter ROM
82Printer data initialization is OK
83RS-232 data initialization is OK
8480x87 check and test OK
85Display any soft error message
86Give control to ROM at E0000h
A0Program the cache SRAM
A1Check for external cache
A2initialize EISA adapter card slots
A3Test extended NMI in EISA system
00Call the INT19 boot loader

00Flag test; Testing of the CPU
03Register test
06Chipset test; System hardware initialized
09BIOS checksum tested
0CPage register tested
0F8254 timer tested
12Memory refresh initialization
158237 DMA controllers tested
188237 DMA initialization
1B8259 PIC initialization
1E8259 PIC chips tested
21Memory refresh tested
24Base 64 address tested
27Base 64 memory tested
2A8742 keyboard tested
30Protected mode started
33Memory sizing test
36First protected mode test passed
39First protected mode test failed
3CCPU speed calculation
3FRead 8742 hardware switches
42Initialize interrupt vector area
45Verify CMOS configuration
48Test and initialize video system
4BUnexpected interrupt tested
4EStart second protected mode test
51Verify LDT instruction
54Verify TR instruction
57Verify LSL instruction
5AVerify LAR instruction
5DVerify VERR instruction
60Address line A20 test
63Unexpected exception tested
66Start third protected mode test
69Address line tested
6AScan DDNIL bits for null pattern
6CSystem memory tested
6FShadow memory tested
72Extended memory tested
75Verify memory configuration
78Display CMOS error messages
7BCopy system BIOS shadow memory
7E8254 clock tested
81MC146818 RTC tested
84Keyboard test
87Determine keyboard type
8AStuck key test
8DInitialize hardware Interrupt vectors
90Math co-processor tested
93Determine COM ports available
96Determine LPT ports available
99Initialize BIOS data area
9CFixed/floppy controller tested
9FFloppy disk tested
A2Fixed disk tested
A5External ROM screen; Check for external ROM's
A8System key lock test
AEF1 error message test
AFSystem boot initialization
B1Call to Interrupt 19 boot loader

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